Saturday, December 22, 2007

Divorce--The Biggest Loser 2007!

Men whose ambition culminates in a financial jackpot, procure wives who become accustomed to extravagant lifestyles. When these marriages end, these women want to continue those lifestyles and the men will continue to pay. Men lose a significant portion of the wealth that they earned in these arrangements.

Here are 2 of the biggest losers in the matrimonial lottery. There will be more...

Chicago business magnate Michael Polsky parted ways with $184 million. Half of his fortune was given to his ex-wife of 31 years. 6 million per year not a bad investment for her.

Another Chicago resident Juanita Jordan will receive more than 168 million dollars from her divorce settlement with NBA legend Michael Jordan making it the most expensive celebrity divorce to date. Stay out of the Windy City!

Saturday, December 08, 2007

Divorce Emergency Kit For Men

Personal 24 hour Divorce Emergency Response Kit

Use for 24 hours of support in case of divorce emergency.

This divorce emergency kit contains materials which will allow one to deal with the sudden discomfort of receiving a divorce petition. The kit deals with the immediate concerns of the divorce emergency until the person can see a qualified Hemancipation Lifestyle Consultant.


  1. HEMANCIPATION business card (2)
  2. Jack Daniels Whisky (1)
  3. Glass (1)
  4. Playboy (1)
  5. Diamond Dollars (5)

Emergency Instructions

1) Remain calm, think clearly and assess your situation.

2) Follow this Emergency Response Plan.

3) Use the supplies in this kit for the first 24 hours of this severe emergency.

Ensure E
asy Breathing: You are shell shocked, and feel like the ground has fallen out from under you. Breathe!

Signal in an Emergency: Call Hemancipation make an appointment for the next day. Call your attorney.

Keep Well Hydrated: Sit down and drink a few shots of Jack Daniels

Treat Minor Injuries: Your feel like hell so

  • Call a limo driver 1-555-GET- ACAR
  • Read your Playboy, GQ, Esquire while you wait.
  • Head to Scores, use your Diamond Dollars.
Your HEMANCIPATION Lifestyle Consultant is on the way!