Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Hello Squatters......

We love the title that we've stolen from our aussie clientele! We love our clients, and we love our readers, but sometimes a girl can get kicked and I think it's time to fight back.

Indulge us for a moment while we tell you a tale of two girls with leashes. Take one brilliant concept, add phenomenal potential, mix with plenty of hard work, blood, sweat and and a tear or two, and what is the probability of sucsess you may ask??!! Well, evidentally without a couple of "pedigrees", an official MBA "A" student in line to accept the position of CEO, and some noticably missing male anatomy, we're just a boy and his dog. Hence, two girls with leashes.

It's a geographical tale of the shrewed lioness in search of the bruised alienated male antelope.

A painful descriptive tale of the long and winding road of a start-up business paved with rusty nails and broken glass. An entrepenurial nightmare. Ahhh, but don't lose faith in the dream just yet girls..........

This is a tribute to you my entrepenurial friend, I luv ya!

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